Is It This Bad Elsewhere? How Do People Drive Where You Live?

Yes, cars have gotten "too safe".
It's the Volvo Syndrome.
Stupid people with no clue how fast 85 MPH is and bumper to bumper with no where to go.
NASCAR with bad drivers.

Things that may not have been covered.

1. The left lane on the interstate is for people that have decided to break the law.
I pretty much stay out of the left lane since I'm in a 40+ year old car anyway and run 60-70. I will get in it as necessary but I speed up to do it. And get out of it ASAP. That's where the wrecks happen.

2. This is a major truck hub. It's my understanding that 18 wheeled trucks are to stay in the right lane except to pass.
When I'm in the center lane doing the speed limit at 70 I will move over for trucks but not normally do I move for cars. They can pass on the right or left.
They have the left lane to speed in as far as I'm concerned. Trucks have destroyed the right lane many places and I see no need to ride in that lane.
The right lane for slow cars and merging use.

3. Why do trucks that can barely do 50 uphill run 85 down hill?
It really makes it hard to avoid them and stay out of their way in traffic.
Back and forth. Back and forth.

4. I go home at night and routinely I am passed by cars like I'm standing still at 70MPH.
Drug deals or what's going on?
Last week some kind SUV passed me on the right at over 90 and when he hit traffic ahead the SUV actually rose up in the front as he accelerated more to shoot gaps in the traffic. Mercedes maybe?
I'm not exaggerating.

5. Where are the cops?
I would like to see an unmarked pursuit cars running back and forth on the interstate.
Maybe the could catch the clowns before they shut down the interstate and ruin my trip.

6. One early AM last week there was a 7 vehicle wreck inbound during work traffic and shut down I 20.
Two big rigs and a flipped car is what the radio said.