Race car & trailer got taken out at stop light

Sorry, but that is not only dishonest, it is called Insurance Fraud. People have gone to prison for that. Although, as RRR stated, it may be the only way you will get money, it is still dishonest and illegal.

While I cannot disagree, what do you call insurance companies finding any and all loopholes to get out of paying a legitimate claim? Honest and legal? It's fraud committed by the insurance companies to get out of paying. Insurance companies are scams right from the rip whose only interests are themselves and no one else. You gotta look out for you because they surely won't.

I say if the OP suddenly feels pain somewhere, good for him. Happens all the time. Nobody knows how the body reacts to different things. He could actually be saving himself trouble in the future by getting checked out medically now. Whose to say?

In the end, it's no one's decision but his as to what to do. I know what I would do and I don't give a fig what someone would think of me either.

That said, I cannot disagree with your assertion. It's certainly right, but what's less right is a company trying to skirt you when you've paid them for years to protect you from just such things. You just have to decide what's more wrong, I guess.