Father, Son, and Grand Father project. 1963 Valiant

Details...the devil is in them...then y'all get to enjoy the fruits of your labor on a regular basis and Jason will fully appreciate all the effort that's gone into the build-and be proud of those accomplishments, or at least, should be proud of them. If I'd had the opportunity to take down and rebuild my car the way you guys have, with the same enterprise of knowledge, when I first took ownership of it 25 years ago, I would have a whole different car, well, at least until the quarter panel and hatch were pushed in courtesy of a drunk driver.

That event was a lifetime ago, but I'm still somewhat bitter about it, and I didn't have the resources to accomplish the fixes correctly until several years later...but that's another story...

With that in mind, I'd caution Jason to not park his vehicle on the street if possible.