My doomed 408 build

Remember my comments here are coming out of complete and utter frustration for a fellow Oregonian. I mean we have Smith Brothers pushrods in Bend or sisters I can't remember? With Ken with Oregon cam grinding right across the bridge in Vancouver who is an expert in cam design, not somebody repacking cams but someone who races them himself and grinds them in the shop right next to him. And I've already given my best recommendation for someone local With A 40-year plus reputation for building not only domestic but exotic Motors. Again not recommending at all that you spend money at any of their shops but at least talk to them for free. First and foremost keeping your money local and keeping your business somewhere where somebody can actually see the parts that you're talking about and see your problems. Again I am hoping that this whole Hughes Gama Rama works out for you but I'm not going to sarcastically wish you good luck either I should surely hope everything works because this is far too much money being spent.