Backside of Instrument Cluster

A story about "4 landers" from "back then............"

Back in the eighties---early nineties there was a bunch from "back there" used to get on 3898. They did NOT like "stoppers by." I don't remember names or calls anymore (KJ4CQ?) and one was named Wilke, "the chicken farmer."

ANYway, I remember one night they all got into this HUGE argument/ discussion about who could stack 100' of Rohn 25 tower sections the quickest, and argued for HOURS it seemed, about whether you were going to set the base section in concrete or not and whether that section should count in the total height for the "contest" I never laughed so hard in my life

And here it is.........
Anyone have any good Stories to tell about HF?

"I remember 3898 as well in the early 90's. those guys were so funny. the only call I remember was ae4n, a guy named hugh. then in the late 90's early 2000's 3865 was active with w8ch
AE4N was Hugh Brunson. KB4OBJ Robert Mercer, KB4OEI Larry, Ne9v Larry (the pope), KJ4CQ Bob Crews, KA8TRL Hud, KJ8I Bill who ran the traders net, K4AVU Paul, and many others."

I spent about a year in "4 land", NAS Glynco GA, went to GCA RADAR school in a WWII blimp hanger. We had a ham club there, "of sorts" but the officer in charge (who I never saw or met) ran it like a dictator, ordered a bunch of Heathkit single band he could put them together. I was on the air there, a couple of times. I think we had a Valiant, and don't remember the receiver at all.

I was very active in Navy ET-A school at Treasure Island CA, the club was K6NCG. There are photos on the www

Put up by an old friend back then, Bob Snyder

K6NCG - Treasure Island Radio Amateur Club 1969-1970

Another guy and me going up the 120' tower


Me at 20 years old in '68 on the tower


Later, after leaving Glynco GA RADAR school, I passed back down by TI on the way from home in N end of Idaho to NAS Miramar where I'd be for 4 years. Stopped by to see the "old gang." This was the 63 Chev 327 SS I bought, later traded it and some boot for the 69 RR my first Mopar

The loading coil on the rear is for a 5/8 wave 2M antenna fed by an 80W GE "TPL" (Transistorized Progress Line), unaffectionately known as a "toilet paper line." Had a dual triode? tetrode? in the PA for 80W output
