Front tire dilemma

Zero-offset is correct for the front of an A-body to maintain the factory scrub-radius. But the 245s are just a lil too wide for a 7"rim, and 245s are about an inch taller than stock,~.5" on the radius. These two factors combine to cause some turning problems up front. If you raise the front .5 from factory, you get some relief to the fender , but that introduces new steering problems. Which a new alignment may or may not solve.
In the back we usually move the rims back under the car with about 4.5bs, which allows an 8", and therefore 245s.
Of course if the front goes up, the back also has to go up, and that shifts weight to the front, so it has to go up a lil more to compensate.
However, longer shackles only solve the height , and only temporarily, plus they introduce handling problems. IMO, they are a bad solution, if you still wanna fly around the turns. The better solution is to have the springs re-arched, and go back to the factory shackles. But if that introduces a lotta arch. it is still a bad solution, because the tall springs allow body sideways motion which can upset your handling.
The best solution is to re-engineer your front ride height back to stock, and follow that with the reducing the rear height to just a lil rake. Ride height is not how high the wheel openings are from the ground. Mopars have a specific way to measure ride height, and you need to be at least in the ballpark or else you may suffer steering ills like; bump-steer, incessant wandering, and have a car that likes to climb up out of every little rut in the asphalt..
I like your rim choice too, so if you are desperate to keep them, the only solutions I see are to roll the fender lips and trim the openings. Tall shackles are bad-news for anything but straighline work, and they will eventually sag or bend the springs.
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Great info,this 4 door 318LA/A904 was the very 1st car I bought and is has been sitting in the garage so long, now I just want to make it run a bit better than before so I am having much more work than I expected, one thing leads to another... anyway, I was considering longer shackles at first because the rear was too low and they are cheap but after researching I decided to re-arch the springs, besides, leaf springs on the left were saggier so it is about one inch higher than stock at the rear axle now, and I will have to add a 1/2" spacer to bring the shackles up front and improve the angle, they look vertical now. When re-arching the springs I asked the guy to just re-arch the rear part of the leaf springs to keep the front as before and avoid body roll, not sure if it helps any...
As far as the front, if the bulge of the 245 60 14 is not wider than the upper outer edge of the front fenders, I`d be considering making them fit there, unless they look weird. The front fenders on this car have some bars that hold the edges right in front of the tire and above it that allow a bit of pushing out...
Otherwise I`d have to go 215 60 R14 or so...
I had 205 70 R14 on all wheels and they look so skiny but they were mounted on the 5.5x14 stock steel rims.
Pics of shackle now and before.

