Dove in and Bought my First Welder

All my welders have been used except the Lincoln 180 MIG I bought years ago

70's...............used Lincoln AC "buzz box"
80's to about 6 years ago..........Century AC/DC buzz box
Both these are gone
90's.........used 120V Lincoln MIG
Then needed larger, bought the new Lincoln 180. Still have both migs
Then at some point I rigged up the Century with a used high frequency box and an old TIG torch to try and learn. THEN found a massive Lincoln stick / tig 250, HUGE and heavy

Finally sold the Century/ TIG setup to a guy who drove over a hundred miles ON CHRISTMAS EVE in terrible weather to buy it. It was not that good a buy, I have NO idea why he did that!!! I bet he didn't get home til midnight

And I STILL haven't learned to TIG, Great big Idealarc, like this 'n
