360 magnum. 1 piston lower in cylinder??

Stock SBM has reportedly ranged +/-20 (or maybe even +/-30 grams) around nominal. I have weighed just a couple of sets to compare to nominal and found as much as 15 grams off with just that limited sampling.

The ring pack for the KB's or ICON's may be different than stock so that enters into the picture, and IIRC that is part of the equation for IMM to do the no-re-balance 360 build linked in post #92. It would be worth reading that to see.

BTW, glad you got the right numbers for the KB107's. You're doing your home work!

The ICON's are the same for eyebrow volume and compression height as the KB107's so would give the same numbers for SCR. BTW, I see a recent post saying .028" head gaskets..... With either the KB107's or the ICON's sticking a few thousandths above the stock Magnum deck, you don't want that thin of a head gasket. The piston-to-head clearance will then be in the .025" range + or - and that is too tight. So go with at least the .039" head gasket thickness.

Do you have a cam selection yet? That is the DCR (dynamic compression ratio) can be calc'd. With the 10+ SCR range you look to be heading for, you need to look at DCR in some detail. Too high of a DCR will lead to detonation, and your altitude is not high, so no relief from the altitude in that department.