68' Dodge Dart LL-1 Clive

First test fit. Outer wheel well fits perfect against the new quarter. Couple more trimming areas marked. Pull it back off, trim a lil' more, test fit again. I will win!

* I thought I would bring up a Tip Jaws gave me last night at the Mopar Therapy Meeting. While your new quarter is test fit on the car and you see a tight area at your seam...instead of marking on tight area and taking it back off to grind on it....Just get your cut off saw and go down the tight area! It will cut out an 1/8" out and boom tight spot gone, Now you have the panel seam where you need it! Thanks Dave for the Tip!

47180223182_ee1a23c9c7_h.jpgIMG_0038 by Alexl5280, on Flickr