Weight loss and perseverance

Summer 2017 I said this is stupid, and proposed to a friend, for the next twelve weeks let's lose weight. Set a goal, weigh 1x/wk at a consistent time, make a graph with the end goal, and plot your progress each week. It was fun having that index card, it really helped. Cut out all "white" foods (sugar, bread, potatoes) and drank only water, black coffee/tea. Ate healthy snacks throughout the day. Except for Sundays when I could eat anything. It helped knowing each week I could do that. Also I rode my bike every day and walked extra by parking my car far away wherever I went. One day I thought, why not run, you can run instead of walk to and from the car and it was surprisingly fun. Goal was 20 lb but I ended up losing 25. I'm a small guy so that's a lot. I gained back 8 lb and have settled there. Lower blood pressure numbers and it's a good feeling when your doctor looks at your chart and smiles. By the way my friend has kept the weight off too.

That's great, David. Real proud of you man. I am planning on something similar myself soon.