PST 1.03 Bars

R is right; L is left
Some bars have different clocking between the front and rear hexes, and cannot be installed on the wrong side, without a lot of difficulty. Your second-last pic appears to show the Rightside bar installed on the driver's side which is the left side. If you can adjust the ride height into the ballpark with the preload screws, then IDK if it matters. But I would still install them L on the left, R on the right, cuz IDK any better,lol.

Nope, I looked again and it looks like you got them installed correctly, sorry, I seem to have been confused

BTW, those sockets have specific grease requirements.
Make sure the strutrod-system is correct for the year of the K-member, and that the front is assembled correctly. There is a current thread on that.
my PST Strud rod Bushing Fell off the car! *PICS*

Yes I got them in L and R, correctly, I was more worried about the "clocking" I was playing around with them and you could install the bar with the "R" towards the top of the socket, where as I have them on the bottom.

It isn't the original K, but still the same for th year of the car, I saw that thread and am going to follow the Moog instructions on the strut rod washer.