Civil War Ammunition Dump Discovered Under Alcatraz Island

I visited Alcatraz many years ago.
It pretty much went like this:
Park entry is free, but......
the boat ride over and back is $30.00
it's a prison, there's some graffiti the Indians left in the 70's, prison cells, more prison cells, Frank Morris and Anglin Bros cells, Al Capones cell, Rbt Stroud's cell, more cells, oh look, there's something new, more cells. Displays of prison weapons and other assorted related items. Gift shop, then walk around looking at things until the boat comes back, get on boat, arrive at pier 33, wish to hell you could those 5 hours of your life back.
I have a history degree, I normally love museums, I didn't care for Alcatraz. I went in 1999, and been told its gotten better, but I'm not wasting my money to find out.

A gift shop. In a crudded up old rotten fallin down prison. Now that's funny.