YAWN... another asswipe throughly used still stinking up the place. Poor New Z-lander has the Napoleon complex. So many danm cool NZ’ers here, I guess we were bound to get one insane idiot.

Zkx14, your welcome.

Forum members & the OP. My apologies.
Well, I WON'T lower myself to your guttersnipe level,
But I'll tell you 1 thing for nought: without New Zealander Ernest Rutherford splitting the Atom, you wouldn't have the Atomic bomb (& STILL be clearing Japs out of atolls)

Ya know: you're a Pretty insulting green eyed monster creep, with your Belittleing condeming insults, but I'm NOT surprised !

Ya know calling Someone a "Well used arsewipe insane idiot" is pretty insulting, defammitory & actually just shows your level of decency & moral fibre, if any...

Who was sooooo arrogant st Diamond head WWII with the incoming Jap Squadron: SO arrogant Dec 7 1941 that you couldn't even trust your own Radar & got, Sadly a VERY bloody nose for it, if which, if you were in MY presence you'd be heading for (& Ignored too, NZL's attempt at the time, as we had 1 of 3 Code breakers, Subsequently lost when 1 of your misfiring B17's wouldn't let be worked on by NZ "Hick Mechanics" The chief one whom taught grandad to fly.Etc

Yeah NZ broke Yamamoto's code but Arrogance ruled - don't say , in 1 instance better knowledge didn't try & put you right. So WHY I BOTHERING BRINGING POND BOTTOM FEEDERS TO THE SURFACE, WITH UNWELCOMING AXE TO GRIND, LIKE YOU WIELD ??.
Don't Remember Hitlers Rommel Desert Fox saying:" Give me US troops & German equipment & I can conquer the world" ( like he DID for New Zealanders he encountered, so mark that as a warning: have a crack at me, clown & you'll get as good back; but that's NOT what I'm here for )

Do you get off with building up a Small Ego by putting others down ?? - Yeah, a real Professional I can tell...& just plain Typical of Internet Era Chat rooms ( now go dump in someone else's playpen )
Not even going to bother giving a cheap n nasty dweeb further oxygen.