2019 summer race.... Jadaharabi vs 318willrun

You say I "insist" and that is not true, don't start spreading fake news like you know who... I'm not one to believe everything I read on the internet from the masses, I would like to know if your blowing wind up our asses... You say you live close and are friends with yellow rose, you should race him and see where it goes... And see if he shows!! LOL you see everyone you're talking to has shown pictures of their cars, that shows were real people not internet stars... It doesn't bother me but as a result, I'll keep taking your post with a grain of salt... You say you'd like to remain a ghost, and of the big block you boast? I guess you expect us all to say hooray, okay my friend whatever you say...

j par and YR sorta has a ring to it. don't it. they both like to argue. brothers ? :elmer:
For these arguments we have also you to blame, could YR and fisherman67 be one and the same...