Bunch of snowflake pansies......

I take offense to this post.
I am a bonifide scientist and i spend a lot of time here.
My specialty is rockets, so i am a rocket scientist.
There are no drum brakes on rockets, but i think they would work well.
The parachutes we use are also old school and slow down the rockets well, and studies show that they work just fine.
Maybe we should upgrade them to drum brakes, what do y'all think?
When you guys mention discs, do you mean like flying saucers?
And if a 3 stage rocket that lands in a tree on the way down, is that considered a 3 in the tree?
I think that's a good thing as long as it's not too far up.
Actually, i like a 3 in the tree.
Unless the parachute gets tangled in the branches.
Then i don't like them and can see why others don't.
I hope i haven't used too much scientific jargon for y'all to follow.
I am merely enjoying the fascinating conversational interludes we have here on this site.
Rockets are my passion, that's why i went to school to become the great rocket scientist that i now am................

As long as you don't try and tell us airplanes leave burnout marks from acceleration.:D
BTW, the phrase is "3 on the tree" not that I see myself as the keeper of old phrases.