Want to improve ignition....

Ignition is like octane; you need just enough to get the job done; after than, more is not necessarily better, altho it can't hurt..
When it comes to ignition, it's the amps that makes a difference. Which is why Multi-strike was invented, cuz single strike-CDI at low-rpm, did not seem to have enough amps, and the fire, if it got lit at all, might not stay lit. The first time I read that, turned me off completely to Multi-strike. The CDI is a great invention, I'm just not sold on it for street..... for two reasons; reliability, and cost.
If a point-type ignition with an HO inductive coil, can fire your engine at idle and tip-in without hick-ups, the only thing that will make it better would be the elimination of the points. The nice thing about the Mopar electronic system is that the trigger/ECU runs at one voltage, while the coil runs at another. You can't reliably do that with the old-time points-type system. So this opens up a new world to driving the coil with more than 6 or 7 volts. You just have to find a coil that won't burn up from the "abuse".
At the other end of the rpm scale, the coil has to fire the plug, then get outta the way; and almost any coil can do that. But it also has to be able to do that to at least the "redline". CDI is very good at that...... But I got no complaints with my SQ-Top.