2019 summer race.... Jadaharabi vs 318willrun

Back from my cousin's funeral service. She died in December and they buried her back then but they didn't hold the service until yesterday because of the weather and they didn't want the old folks getting sick and it was a lot nicer day.

Then coming home today a three-quarter ton Ford with a bout a 30 foot aluminum stock trailer loaded with cattle and a small SUV collided up the road in front of me. I was the first vehicle at the scene with the guy that lived at that corner was there I asked how I could help and he said that the guy could not get out of the truck cuz the doors in front was smashed into the back doors and the SUV was stuck to the passenger side of the truck. So I took my Harbor Freight tire changing bar and went to work on that door and finally got it open and got the guy out. Both parties are alive and fine. But it really tore up that truck.
glad your alright and able to help. Sorry about your loss...