318/8 Speed Swap

Maybe not at 500 lol.
But I ran a GVOD behind an A833od box with with 3.23s one winter. 65 mph was under 1450 in double over drive. Final drive ratio maths out to 3.23x.71x.78=1.789.. Ran that lil smogger-teen with a TQ and the TTI dual 3" full length system. Hey, 3.09x3.23=9.98 starter, lots for winter. Fantastic fuel mileage.
But I think a 6-speed would be lots for most of us who seldom exceed 100 or 110 mph.
An 8speed for an HO 360, whoa; that would be something.
Funny thing Is, I have 7 useable gears in my combo, and most of the time I only use 3 of them; first, second and overdrive,lol. The rest of the time I might max out with 5.
Nevertheless, I'll be following along.