Help with 340 compression + cam change

I liked the look of that Howard's cam, but I will likely check back with Mike Jones in regards to other options as well.

I might consider a solid lifter cam ...I hadn't really thought about how a solid cam could be better for a low compression motor, but I see your point.
IMHO, the way in which solids CAN be better is for the opening/closing ramps to be quick. But hydraulics have come a long way in that regard, and the traditional off-the-shelf solid cams have typically all been long duration, high RPM cams, that have not been appropriate for average street use, or for rally/road race. So that is why I posted about the Howard's .904 profiles. I am going to try the smallest duration of the high lift solid Howard's .904 profiles (FM2303586A) in my next build.... to try it for experience, and also because I am getting wary of the quality issues that crop up all too often anymore in 1-2 hydraulic lifters leaking excessively in a new set.

The way in which I like to think of the compression matter is that when you start out with lower CR, you are 'painted into' a performance corner. You're not going to significantly increase power without increasing duration, but with low CR, you can't help but hurt low RPM torque. Fine for revving the engine and flying down the drag strip, but it hurts all around street use at the low-mid RPM's. Starting with higher CR allows you more flexibility to keep low-mid RPM torque and get better high RPM HP. Some uses demand a wider torque band, and higher CR is the place to start for those.