Getting ready to swap a 5.7 into my 73 Dart Swinger

Socket size is 1 1/6. The sway bar should bolt on, not welded. The four holes(two each side) that are through the flange in the "u" part on each side, is where a small piece of channel bracket bolts to. Then the sway bar bolts to that. The bar snakes through the center of the K member.
Definately was welded. Decided to clean up the engine bay alot more than i planned and brought it down to raw metal now going to spray some paint the pictures I'm putting the firewall is not finished being cleaned i just finished that now im going to do some tape lines and spray the engine bay black. 20190324_180447.jpg 20190324_180451.jpg 20190324_160924_HDR.jpg 20190324_174537_HDR.jpg