2019 summer race.... Jadaharabi vs 318willrun

Yeah, but I laid around for almost 2 weeks with no improvement. Feel bad if I do, feel bad if I don't, so I might as well, ya know what I mean?

The drivers side installed nice! I just disconnected the inner tie rod and pitman arm, swung the centerlink out of the way. Removed the starter, and only had to raise the motor 1 inch. Car was only about 24 inches off the ground. Header went right in.
I have decided I'm I'm not gonna reassemble the suspension until after the engine and headers are already in. I'm gonna set the headers in and the lower the engine in and bolt it all together then finish getting the engine down bolt it down.
Then slide the centerlink in and bolt the suspension and steering back in.
Leaving it loose of course until I put the weight back down.