Dog training question.

I've had 3 Shar-pei and due to the skin wrinkles a shock collar is useless and has no effect what so ever. not even a flinch, so I learned the basic method. A lead is all you need, whenever you take her out have the lead on and be ready. Watch closely and focus on her, watch the ears, nose and head and as soon as she perks up give the lead a snap and command. I use "leave it" this command is used for many scenarios. Start with food control, the number 1 priority for a dog. You own the food until its surrendered to her, put food down if she goes for it "leave it" and step in immediately. This action/reaction is carried outside to the field training, you OWN everything until given to her. OWN the squirrels and birds, it she triggers snap the lead and "leave it" She will figure this out very quickly. After she has acknowledges you, signal to her to GO and chase. This gives you control. You own everything until given! Smart dogs want an Alpha owner.