Have a bent frame. Looking for knowledge on the subject.

So I interviewed another dude today about working on the frame. He spotted a ripple in the pass floorboard as well as a spot on the firewall where the frame may have tagged it. He says that its possible to save the frame rail....maybe depends on the measurements. He may be able to source a few parts vs getting them new. he's looking 3-3500 in labor to square it up, replace the rail if needed, reinstall and align all the damaged body panels once I get all the stuff together.

Gonna see if another guy I talked to last week will come out and see it before I start collecting parts and tow it all around socal. Never hurts to ask.

Far as door gaps, the passenger side looks good and the driver side still has the damn door sag a bit that it always did. Seems as normal as it once was but the gaps appear to be a bit off.

and yes...I have a pink phone case. always lost it and it never has the ringer on. so my wife thought it funny to put a pink case on it.






