Removing the old paint “edges”

Its deep for sure. Not as bad as it was, but yep, its deep!
Feather till you think its perfect. Then spray a 'guide coat' on and lightly block sand. First pass over will remove guide color from high spots if any still exist. If you are close, the guide should clean off evenly. Most likely you will be left with some low areas that the guide remains in. Depending on depth and what is around them, you may be able to continue sanding down till it disappears. Just don't dig in to get it cleaned off stay flat with the block. If its a ding, you may need a dab of glaze, if only slight, a couple coats of primer may build the low area. On my hood above, the dark areas are black primer used as guide
where I am spot checking. Then when I thought I had it good sprayed entire hood and sanded again. Rinse and repeat....
Keep at it. There's a lot of satisfaction in doing it yourself!