USCT Crossmember for 518

Yes, that would have been a wonderful set of photos to see. I"ve read through the sticky post for putting a 500 in, so I'm aware of what will need to be done. I just have to figure out the rest of it before I get started since I'm also coverting it from a 4 speed manual to an automatic. Have to consider all that will entail as well.......

Well... you have to cut the floor anyway for the automatic. Just cut the 4-speed hump out carefully as owners will pay good money for that piece! BTW, for what is worth, you may want to consider a Gear vendors overdrive or a Passon 5-speed. I've already done most of the research on this and if your vehicle is already set up for manual transmission, its a lot less work, time and money . Unless of course you are stuck on switching from manual to automatic.
Love to see thread on this if you decide to go this route. Good luck with it!!