Narrow Escape (Pit Bull)

Seems the white dog is becoming more aggressive with each encounter. It knows that it is the dominant dog in the match, and wi continue to escalate the situation with each encounter. An aggressive approach by you is the only answer. I am not a gun person, don’t own one, but if the dog is continually roaming free, a gun may be the only answer. You are not dealing with the dog here, the dog is doing what dogs do, dominate, and in this case, an attack is imminent. You are dealing with the owner here, or more accurately, the owners lack of controlling their dog, out of sheer negligence. If on the next encounter, the dog comes at you aggressively, I would have no problem shooting it. The problem will not go away until the dog is eliminated, as it is obvious that the owner is not going to remedy the prob. The dog will always see your dog as prey, and can’t get that out of its mind when it sees your dog.

And before anybody jumps all over my post, yes, I have a dog, an aggressive dog. She is very well trained and under my care at all times, in and out of the house. But, she is still a dog and I know full well what that means.
