2019 summer race.... Jadaharabi vs 318willrun

I sold the diamond plated toolbox that was laying in the back of that seed truck to a guy for 30 bucks and I had 40 bucks on it. That was on the first day on Thursday. Then today I noticed a couple of those Bullet Hole Rim caps like the ones I got with the rims that I bought and figured if I could get them cheap enough I'd pick him up in case I through one-off doing a burn off. he was asking too much and I started walking away and he said he's packing up in an hour and I said okay. As I walked away I noticed or remembered that was the guy that bought my diamond plate tool box. I come back about an hour and a half later and he still out there with not even starting packing up. And lo and behold I noticed that those caps are sitting right on top of that box with a bunch of other stuff. The first thing I asked him is how much do you want for the toolbox? He said I'll let it go for $70! LOL I said what I sold that to you for $30 two days ago? And he was like oh oh oh man ah ah ah...
I said and now you want to charge me full price for this 2 caps? Some people...
Then at the very end of the day the two Chevy guys came up to me and started chat me up and wanted my phone number for just a contact. The older guy said he liked my personality (go figure that) and his son got a kick out of me also I guess. Anyways I started telling them that story and they're like oh yeah that's the guy who tried to tell us that those Mopar rims were actually Chevy rallies and tried to talk us down a whole bunch. Then actually bought those bullet caps from them and tried to get them to toos in the wagon that he pulled up in front of me with for free?! They said he was from Canada and thought all of us Americans were stupid or something..