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I hate to tell you this but everyone thinks opening up “the punch” is head porting. Wrong!!!! It’s the easiest to see and the easiest to open up but to port you have to straighten the common wall, widen the short-side, raise the roof, shape the short-side, chamber work, proper valve angles, control airspeed at the shortside so air can navigate the turn (if not air shoots the turn and disrupts clean air coming down the backside of the valve).

I hear ya. Yeah I wouldn't call opening the pinch porting lol. Like you said it's easy so it was done along with most everything you mentioned. I am gonna get to the bottom of what's goin on and post those numbers good or bad. I need to know the good, the bad, and the ugly for my own growth here.

My guy wants to flow them again. I am going to try and drill him about calibration and anything else that could be a factor. I have heard there is a guy a couple towns over with a bench. I will try him next.