Narrow Escape (Pit Bull)

Quick Draw McGraw's

Well as best of my ability I will try and explain. Yes I did make this comment I was hoping to have this taken as humor. And yes you have every right to protect yourself and your love ones, and your property. I have no problem with this, and I have done so in the past. My intent was to express caution discharging the firearm in a rural areas, bullets can travel a great distance. I don't like to see any innocent victims getting hurt, while your intentions may be grand at the moment it may have conciseness later on. No matter how good of a shot you are, there is always a chance you will miss.

Your property is yours, but as the OP was walking his dog on a lease had a bad encounter with another dog, now remember he not on his property, now the laws have changed, would you really suggest to him to remove his firearm from his holster and start shooting. If I heard shooting in my neighborhood I would call the cops. Seriously what kind of a predicament would the OP be in...

In a way I was writing back to the OP, I just did not take in account of the 500,000 viewers with that many more opinions, rest assured this mistake I made will be corrected. I am a good person, if anytime you feel I have step out of line please contact me, not with negativity. I will try my best to explain myself.....

I live in a small town, and have encountered unruly pets some attaching my own dog and barking and growling at me and my children. I have taking care of these problems without the use of firearms, in a few days they just happen to disappear.

And just for the record, Jimmy Carter was the first president I voted for, and the last time I voted.........