Narrow Escape (Pit Bull)

and that is the asshole type of owner we are talking about here. he has allowed the dog to be like that. there are places that specialize in training aggressive dogs and they do so very successfully.. that dumb **** doesn't deserve to own a dog..

Completely agree with the above.

because those yappy little things things can kill them in the time it takes you to take a piss....

Common buddy, I thought we were having a serious discussion. Bite yes, draw blood maybe, crush their throat. Negative

You have some pretty dogs there and I am glad you take care of them. I just wish more Pit owners did the same.
Again with the question though, and I mean this in all seriousness. No way trying to be a dick. How do you insure your home? I have had a few different insurance companies and all of them, I mean 100%, do not allow a pitbull on the property with any of their homeowners policies. Not only pits though. My current homeowners policy forbids, Pits, Rots, and Dobermans. I was just curious.

Not trying to bash your dogs man. They look like they are well trained and well behaved. Again, it's just the potential to be deadly that gets me.