Pretty sure I made correct decision on "Dodge Ram seller from hell"

Found this "appears to be nice, really nice" 08 RAM with only 60+K some good hi rez photos, but he wanted PLENTY. Well I thought "so be it"

So he works in my old home town about 50mi away, I figured I could kill several birds, have lunch up there with a friend, etc.

I talked on Sunday, obviously the banks are not open. Got online and requested an investments transfer of 15K, THAT'S RIGHT FIFTEEN BIG ONES into my local checking account, and explained to him that "might take a day or two"

So he was going to meet me AT HIS OFFICE in the town at 9AM today. But we had some discussions which, last night, kinda put me off. Like, example, "scheduling" he seemed in a big rush a REALLY big rush as he's "retiring and leaving town"

But he DID offer to deliver the truck.

So I said "well I could look it over, and if I buy, give you a sizable deposit, you could deliver it at your convenience the NEXT FEW DAYS no rush" and I'll give you a bank draft or we can run up to my bank

SO NOW the dickiness starts to come out: "Well it's not about taking a deposit it's about selling the truck"

And he made another comment alluding to I would pay him up there and he would then follow me to my place. No I'm sorry, if you have 15K of my money and you still have the truck that is not "it." We will settle WHEN the truck is SITTING at MY HOUSE, because YOU offered to DELIVER IT

So I was beginning to feel like I was getting the bum's rush. This would have been THE MOST money I've ever spent on a "rig" ever

So this morning, after getting online and finding that the funds are "pending" and of course the bank is CLOSED still, I ended up headed up the road to my parent's old place and my friend's house at 8:45, and was just thinking of a "place to land" where I could call this guy. And he calls me.

So I told him I had to take time to deal with the funds transfer and that the bank is not open yet and he just ******* goes ballistic about how "I could have called him" (When? 6AM?) to let him know and how "he'd made a special trip to meet me" (a whole hour early to his workplace) and bla bla bla

So I had enough (Some of you know me) and just said WELLLLLLLL OOOOOOOOOOH KKKKAAAYY! And hung up the phone

I knew I had made the correct decision when he later sent this:

We had an appointment at 9:00. I came is as requested - by YOU. I don't come to work at that time.

You did not exercise the responsibility to call and cancel that appointment.

You blame all that on your funds transfer. "It's not my fault." You said.

Then you hang up the phone instead of saying that you're sorry you didn't call to cancel.

"It's not my fault" "I'm 70 years old" - no, those are not ideas to live by. And don't ever complain about the younger generation, it is the old farts who are entitled and irresponsible.

You no longer qualify to purchase my truck

I had told him I wanted to check the bank situation and that was not good enough. He's selling a 15K vehicle and can't spare ONE HOUR of time early for his workplace?