Narrow Escape (Pit Bull)

My friend their owner said Pit soooo, who am I to question?? Im not a dog expert like soooo many on here are.
Banned up here.....for a reason lol. Doesnt affect my life in any way, cuz I would never own one so I dont really give a rat's ***. As a dog owner i gave my opinion and will keep on keepin' on.
ANY dog can turn, you MAY lessen damage and control it easier with a non pit type dog.
Theres a reason Vick chose Pits and not Shitzu.

Vic owned Pits to fight, making him a complete and total douchebag. All his dogs but 2 were adopted by loving family's, and went on to live wonderful, happy lives. Even after all the cruel and unusual treatment fighting dogs receive, to make them fight. The other 2 were to far gone, and I believe put down. If you will never own one that's fine. But if you've never owned one, you will never know how wonderful a dog they are.
