Overcharge now low/no charge

Key on No Start
Black prob to blue field wire, red probe to + battery
9.23v slowly climbs to 9.55v


What you are measuring here, if you did this correctly, is the functional path from the battery to the blue wire

In other words, battery-----fuse link----through the bulkhead---through the ammeter--to the ignition switch connector---through the switch, back out the switch connector----back out through the bulkhead connector and this is your "ignition run" IGN1 buss, which supplies

ignition system, VR power, blue wire to alternator field, smog equipment some years

You should be showing very little voltage at those two points

Another way to double check this is:

With key in run, hook one multimeter probe to ground

Measure battery + and then measure your blue field wire. They should be close to the same. If not you have a huge bad connection in that circuit somewhere, and certainly would explain "no charge"

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