Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning c\_/ and happy humpday.
So on Sunday my neighbor tells me about a guy who works with him that does HVAC as a side business. Says he'll give the guy my name and number on Monday. Then Monday morn' my mom tells me that a cousins husband does HVAC as a side business. On Tuesday I got that guys number from my brother and call it. As quick as I stated my name he says "You're Rays neighbor". Yep... turns out that both guys are the same guy. I can feel my brain cross firing when this sort of chit happens. Comes with age I guess. At what age does the misfiring start? Anyway...
I told him how I got his name and number from my brother and questioned, "Is there a double discount for me in all this connection?" LOL
He showed up here about 6:30 and we looked at one another like... We've met before? Probably at a funeral so we wont explore that now. He looked things over, said he would call me with a dollar figure.
SAVE UP! I'm going to pass around a hat :)
Yall have a great day