MP Super Commando Heads

I, for one, appreciate the blunt honesty of your posts about your experience with the heads.

What bore are you running them on?
Flow numbers on that bore?
Intake valve size they came with?
Are you using that size valve?
Do they come with 11/32 or 5/16 stem valves?
Do they use 5/16 or 3/8 rocker hold down bolts?

Never had a set in my shop, but from what I read it sounds like they are similar/the same as the Indy T/A heads.
Those use 5/16 stem valves and 3/8 rocker hold down bolts(according to the catalog).

My prediction is that the TF SB Mopar head will have a bigger impact on the SB market than the BB head had, since there are less similar options for SB’s....... and there’s a bigger gap between what they offer for the $$$ vs the competition.

I predict it won’t be long at all before someone has a set making 600hp, right ootb, on a pretty basic 408/416.