69 340-S emblem questions

I have a 69 barracuda i intend to make into sort of a 340-S clone. I have seen pix of 69 340-S cars with the emblem under the barracuda script on the fender. Now if the wide vinyl body side tape stripe is used on a 340S car with the 340 callouts in the stripe, are there still chrome 340-S emblems on the fenders along with the stripe, or did they put the fish on those fenders of the cars that got the stripe? I ask because it seems redundant to have the 340 badging and a stripe with 340 call outs on it.

So all you 340 barracuda experts out there what is correct for a 340 S car with body side stripes? A fender fishy, or a second chrome 340 emblem?
