Gonna do something awesome for our shop guy.

I'm sure he gets lots of thumbs ups.i convinced him to enter it in a show earlier this year and he won best of show. He almost cried.

He has had a very hard life.

It's not my place to tell his story but he was born a drug addict and his life went down hill from there. My dad has 30 years in AA and sponsors a lot of folks. They connected over his car and pops found out he needed a job so I took a chance on him and he has realy shined as a fabricator.

He realy seems to be a natural at it. Sometimes I think hes better than me. He realy took to the English wheel. Its un canny how good he is at shaping steel.

He's been working for me for well over a year and sober as a nun the entire time.

Folks like him just dont seem to make it most times but he has done amazing.
If anyone deserves a break in this world, its him.