2019 summer race.... Jadaharabi vs 318willrun

Keep in mind, I don't have all that big money that buys those 20,000 dollars of snowmobiles, RV's, 6000 dollar stroker motors, and 900 dollar smart phones, usually used by dumb people (not you of course):D
It's like every few months I have to repeat my story to you... Start from the top and work our way down. First the Stroker motor. It was built over several several months and it was paid for week by week. I gave a small deposit and they started work on the Block. I done a couple jobs and we had bought the stroker kit. And week after week I went to come in and give him a little part of my paycheck. So it took quite some time to get the Stroker motor making small payments. As far as the snowmobiles go they are the only thing we have on credit for the most part. that goes along with the same thing A co-worker said to me about we must be rich to have those snowmobiles. But when I added up his weekly bar tab I can have four snowmobiles and it pissed him off pretty bad. The RV we bought many years ago and plan to sell it soon if we can and put the money back into our home equity. Pretty much for the same price we bought it for. As far as my cell phone goes the work I do pays for it. I'd like to tell you it was a $900 cell phone but I would be lying and I'd also be lying if I came up with $900 to buy it. Another few dollars extra on the monthly payment to pay for the phone...
Now stop making up your internet truth as always....