Calling All Nerds

There was a TV series I believe called "Geeks and Creeps" that aired in the early-2000s I think, might want to check that out for some ideas.

I got picked on in school because I was hyper and had problems sitting still for hours straight doing dumb mindless work that doesn't stimulate my brain (and I still do and probably always will). I also physically matured much slower than my peers ("late bloomer") so that was another issue, and I was in advanced math classes in grade school so that didn't help. I gave up on television years ago, the amount of time you spend sitting in front of the TV compared to how much USEFUL information you actually get is basically 100:1. I spend my free time nerding out over military history (particularly tanks and armored vehicles), reading non-fiction technical books, listening to older music and watching a LOT of informative "how-to" and educational videos on YouTube. Recently I've been looking into foreign films and TV shows because I'm tired of American stuff with its cliche one-liners and unrealistic happy endings that make me cringe. Oh yeah and I started playing older Pokemon games again LOL!

I consider myself a "nerd" because I go out of my way to learn things the majority of people think is pointless or unrelated to everyday life. I have a fascination with old technology and a hopeless obsession with machines as well as old culture and traditions from the Middle Eastern world (my dad's family is Syrian). I'm only 28 but pop culture has annoyed me since I was a teenager, I can't count how many times I thought to myself "WHY is everyone into this stupid crap?!" whether it's music, movies, fashion, smart phones, video games, whatever. Part of it I believe is also how I was raised, my dad is a very "lone wolf" type of personality and always taught me to be true to myself and not follow others.