
I read an interested article in another non car mag today, got me to thinking ( Rare I know).

I bet we all agree how good this FABO site is for info. Any Mopar question an be answered, good advise, opinions, etc. Wonderful caring people that share and care. But people here generate so much enthusiasm. Enthusiasm generates success, and success means we actually accomplish. Every wonder how it is , some people can get cars on the road so much quicker than others? Enthusiasm, not who has the most $ or time, it is enthusiasm. Now I admit lots of people want the process of it all to take many decades and that's OK.
I know guys that have several cars. Not everyone has the space for more than one old car, but these guys seem to have the room for the cars they find, some are projects, some they have restored to perfect, some drivers, some parts cars....they found a way! These same people have huge knowledge of their favorite models. Their brain has the answers we can ask as to how many, what engine color, trans, and all the small details. They love to share an help pothers. They have parts. Lots of parts.
Not because they have some much free time, or money, but they have enthusiasm. It drives them to go to the pick a parts and spend hours pulling, and then selling to finance their projects. These guys buy parts cars spend hours cutting, and taking apart and then advertising and selling, to make a few $$ to go onto their projects. They accomplish because of their enthusiasm.
Personally, I find I have gotten to the age where my zest seems to have diminished. It is just my age I feel.
I just need to get my enthusiasm back!!!