And you thought I was just whining about our streets.

i hit an intersection about a 2 weeks ago, in the duster...almost rattled my teeth out
course, as soon as i hit it, my duster died

i pulled over, tried to start it again
she cranked just fine but wouldnt fire not a pop

i couldnt get it going again, so i came back later with a buddy with a truck and a tow strap
you know how guys are, we popped the hood and tired to get it going
my buddy said he saw a spark jump, reached over need the fire wall and plugged something back in, fired right up

apparently, our michigan roads are so bad, it didnt only rattle my fillings, but it also rattled some electrical connections loose

as the saying goes, the roads in Michigan actually get better in the winter, because it takes about 4 inches of snow to fill up a pothole


