Help with decking or not?

Wow I got a lot of remarks on the balance job on a Scat rotating assembly that was a minor deal. The BIG surprise was the zero clearance on the mains. There crank and the in closed with the kit main bearings. do not just "assume" anything is correct.
That's correct, I've seen really good stuff from Scat and other offshore companies, but I also have seen what you are experiencing now as well. More consistently from Scat more than anything is the balance not being as close as it could/should be for our standards. The journal sizes being out of round and tapered is not uncommon, but In my experiences with them is probably around 15%-20% of the time. One other issue I had with one of their cranks was in a Chevy 400 where they drilled a lightening hole through one of the rod journal's too close to the bearing surface and made the journal collapse almost immediately on startup. But I would check all aspects of the crank and not just the obvious things.