scammer from microsoft (not)

Wife got one the other day saying her social security number would be "blocked" if she didn't pay some made up fine.

She asked them how they were going to do that, laughed and hung up.

On a somewhat related note...

I was helping gut a bank today before the building gets demolished (more on that later)...

There's an ATM and part of a room sized safe sitting in the parking lot, a gaping hole at the front door where the ATM used to be, parking lot full of construction vehicles, people wearing hard hats, carrying jackhammers, etc, no one, repeat no one in the building wearing a skirt or a tie, most of the furniture missing.....

...and about 3 dozen people came in and asked the first person they saw to either cash a check or take a deposit.

These are the people who get taken by these phone scams!

I'm wearing shorts and a T shirt, carrying a battery drill, and part of disassembled a desk, and seriously, people are waving their checks at me and asking me if I can cash them.

Did they, IDK, notice something was maybe.....not quite normal?