Who is running MSD 6/AL with MSD Billet Distributor? Do you like it?

I'm going to say some things I thought I'd never say.

1. You can buy the box. I've always preferred that Mallory stuff myself. You can't get that any more. Unless it's the new crap made by MSD. I'll pass on that. And I buy up any old Mallory stuff I can. And I rarely sell any of it. If you are careful, you can find the stuff at swap meets. Bought a whole analog HyFire 7 with matching coil for 85 bucks. Slapped it on and it fired right up and is still going.

2. Nothing wrong with that distributor. I can't see spending any money on another unit.

3. This hurts me more than anything but here goes...if it's a street car keep the VA. I never thought I'd ever say that in a bajillion years but if you do it correctly the VA will make the car much more driveable. You may have to use full manifold vacuum rather than timed.

As sick as it makes me to say, I'm seriously considering switching my junk over to a distributor over to a VA model. I never thought I'd say that. Until I get my distributor machine up and running, and test the complete system I won't know for sure if I can make the engine happy without a VA and still get the timing where it needs to be.

I just hate to see you waste money on a distributor. I've never been fond of the Chrysler boxes. In fact, I detest them. I have actually tested them on a dyno and they are about the worst performing ignition boxes there are, although I've seen a few MSD boxes that were pretty sad sack too.