Now I have a Valiant

I sure aint had much luck against leaks. The dam raised port heads put the 1and 2 header tubes almost up against the valve covers , haven`t found a gasket yet that don't leak or weep. I screwed my timing cover up ,once when I had it off, for a cam change, guess I`m going to have to replace it . I HAVE IT BEEFED UP TO CONTROL CAM THRUST , AND ABSOLUTLY HAVE TO DROPP THE OIL PAN TO REPLACE IT , "THATS HOW I SCREWED IT UP THE FIRST TIME!"
Think I`m gonna rip the caps button off this keyboard !

I have from 10 to 20 inches of vacuum w/ this solid roller , running a hi volume pump , sure a lot of oil splashing around under the valley tray! Put full time oiling to the top end when I built it , think I went too far. Will have to pull the heads to correct it, the dam thing runs too good to pull down since I fixed my reversion problem----------hate to tear into an engine that runs this good !