2019 summer race.... Jadaharabi vs 318willrun

Man I thought that white stuff was behind you!

I think I am going to make some bbq chicken on the grill for dinner.
Weather is sunny but chilly with the wind blowing here but it is 60 degrees.

It was -9 degrees one day and my neighbor and one of his friends came home, I overheard him telling his friend that that was his crazy neighbor (me) I was smoking some chicken and ribs on the grill and it was smelling good.

Thurday had to call cops on Neighbors that were mowing my property and the neighbor on the other side was burning is leaves and grass at the front of my property.

Check his logic out, he told the cops that he could burn there because I was old. lol
I had the cop educate him on the fact it was private property and he was not to set foot on it.