Smallblock efficiency or How to have your cake and eat it too

My previous 367 iteration went, up to 32mpg, and went over 106 in the quarter/ around 85 in the Eighth.
Then I went to one size bigger cam, and now the mileage is lousy. The only other changes I made were; a tiny change in cylinder pressure and I swapped the weeney600 for a 750DP? What could be wrong? lol.
Oh wait, I changed from an 8-speed with double overdrive cruising 65=1590, to a 5-speed with single overdrive cruising 65=2240........... and I ditched 200 pounds for the day. Oh well; car now goes 93 in the Eighth! Due to the approximate 8mph grin-factor, I no longer care about mpgs.
I tried to talk my wife into a Smartcar, but she says they are a deathtrap, and a Flintstones car; and she won't be seen dead in one..And she should know,lol; in 42 years of wedded bliss, she has crashed or written off almost every car we have ever owned. Ok, I killed two but they weren't my fault! Well two if you don't count the other two...
For those who want to know;
the 8 speed was the combo of A833od box plus GVOD, splitting gears. and
the 5 speed is the combo of Commando-A833 plus GVOD.

Point is I get what you are saying; and it's not always, nor totally, about rpm.Sock it to me.