Smallblock efficiency or How to have your cake and eat it too

I didn`t read all these posts, and don't give a flip about the topic , either way.
The opening statement that all true muscle cars have 3 pedals dropped my interest. The op doesn`t think the 68 s/s hemi barracudas and darts aren`t muscle cars / 454 chevelles/ 65/66/67 hemi belvederes ????????
Don't for get the bone showroom stack 440 auto charger that even Steve Mcqeen couldn`t believe would smoke his special built mustang on the hi way----

No need to get offended about my 3 pedals comment, it's just how myself and a few others feel. Also in case you don't understand the intent of this thread--a manual driven properly is MORE efficient at power transmission than an old slush box.

Totally agree with you on the Bullit as that is what I get out of that whole scene too---The Charger just effortlessly loafing along while Steve is frantically shifting his 9 or 10 speed transmission in order to keep up. J.Rob