Yearone Rally’s 17 inch on 69 Valiant- help

Take the front wheel to a good wheel shop and ask if they can mill some off the mounting surface.
Specs on the other valiant are in this article:
1 Family, 3 Generations: This ’67 Valiant Keeps Improving! - Hot Rod Network
Mill the front wheel hub? Is that safe based on torque procedures and stress from weight etc?
That article I’ve read, I contacted the Geoff guy in it and he advised it’s probably the Ssbc brake conversion to disc which caused the positive offset for me. He advised to try an E body spindle as the Ssbc kit provides a caliper mounting spacer bracket that bolts to the drum brake spindle. He said that will save me 1/4 to 1/2 inch.
Now will the ssbc caliper bolt to an E or E body disc brake spindle?