Stop in for a drink.

The lawn saga gets even stupider.

I was outside about 6 pm and the guy who I used to use and blew me off for this year drives by and stops. He rolls his window down looks at the uncut lawn and says “Gee, I’m sorry you haven’t gotten any one to cut your grass yet. I suppose I could make an exception and mow it for you next week. I can’t do it after that though.”

I walked to the edge of my property and let loose a tirade on him that would make a sailor blush and run for cover. Let’s just say the jist of it was a complete characterization of him and his business practices as a total POS and a warning to never set foot on my property or speak to me ever again.

The bonus was that after he left, the neighbor a few doors down that is using this guy for landscaping services stopped a few minutes later and asked what it was all about. I told him the story and he pulled his phone out and called the POS and cancelled his contract on the spot.

He explanation to the guy was that since you f’ed my neighbor...I’m not going to give you the chance to F me too.

Time for a beer...or 3.